Online Bible Study

Welcome! Whether you are just curious or a believer looking for some basic studies, the aim of these lessons is to help you read your Bible and learn God's will for you. As you study, our hope is that you will want to know how Jesus can bring you peace and salvation.

If you do not have a Bible, do all you can to get one. The impact of the Bible on the world is greater than any other book, and it has the power to change your life. As we go through these lessons, we will often cite verses from the Bible (written as "Book Chapter:Verse"; for instance, Genesis 1:1). While the text of those specific verses will usually be included in these lessons for easy reference, we also encourage you to turn to and read those verses in your own Bible. In this way, you can make sure we are accurately quoting the Bible and you can continue to read verses in the text to gain a better understanding. Most of the verses you read in these lessons are quoted from the Easy to Read Version of the Bible (ERV). In some cases, another version may be quoted in order to give the best sense of what the Bible is trying to say.

Through this study, we will look at the following topics:

  1. Who is God?

  2. How did we get the Bible? Can we trust it?

  3. Who is Jesus?

  4. What is sin?

  5. A path to Salvation.

At any point in these studies, if you want to speak directly with someone about additional study, let us know! We are happy to talk over the phone or in person at a convenient public location.

Ready to begin? Click here to begin our first lesson...